Prevention of racism through Theater of the Oppressed
Casaltone (Italy) 10th-14th July 2012
code number: "IT-2012-808-001"
This page is from participants to share common knowledge and to get information
about the training in order to facilitate arrival, staying and the work together
See attachment:
--- Bibliography on TO in different languages.
--- Marc Weimblatt's bibliography
- PHOTO/VIDEO from the training
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Here you find some video about interviews with participants:
Try also the channel "TeatroOppresso" on youtube for more video.
See attachment below: administrative form, personal data form, questionnaire, certificate of attendence.
See attachment below: letter n.3
- FINAL REPORT and comments
Dear all,
it was very inspiring for me to work with you all - and I also hope to see you guys again. Sometimes when I'll be down and fearing to lose my trust in people I'll remember you and the work we did AND that work against racism is not in contradiction to having fun and feeling good. There are too many disappointed people in the world who lost their sense of humour.
If anybody wants to stay in Leipzig for a while: welcome. (A good opportunity: In November there will be the premiere of our film...)
Hoping that summer will finally show up in Germany, kisses, Anja
Dear Mary, Roberto and dear all,
I am also very happy to have been meeting you in Casaltone these days!
It´s allways a big inspiration to see the other peoples projects, wishes, ideas, energies, dreams,
hearts, ... !!! to laugh and work together , dance, play and dream!!!
To all of you I want to send best wishes and lots of energy to realise projects, live dreams and
change reality in your everydaylife!
I am looking forward see you again!
And I invite you to visit me in Bremen !!!
Big HugS! and KissEs, PetonS, BaCiOS, KüSsE and BeSoS !!!
Dear all,
It was great to share with you all these days, it has been very inspiring working with you all, I come back home with a lot of ideas to work for new projects :-)
Also I come back with a happy spirit!!! All the laughter were revitalizing, also the dancings sesions of course...
A big kiss to all hoping to meet you again, hoping we will have the chance to work together again.
--- See attachment below: modello relazione finale...